Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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457 lines
;$VER: DisKey.Install 1.4 (16-11-94)
; $Id: Install.DisKey,v 21.1 1994/11/16 13:01:07 Angela Schmidt Exp $
;Dies ist das Installscript für DisKey!
(set langnum
(prompt "")
(help @askchoice-help)
(if (patmatch @language "Deutsch")
(if (patmatch @language "English")
(if (patmatch @language "Français")
(if (= langnum 0) (set langstring "Deutsch"))
(if (= langnum 1) (set langstring "English"))
(if (= langnum 2) (set langstring "Français"))
; Hier folgen die Strings, die für die deutsche Übersetzung benötigt
; werden. Bei Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen einfach den folgenden
; Block komplett kopieren und die Texte ändern. Die Steuerzeichen
; sollten unverändert bleiben! Wer irgendwo eine Zeile hinzufügen oder
; löschen möchte, muß dir Anzahl der "%s" entsprechend anpassen - für
; jede Zeile steht ein "%s".
(if (patmatch langstring "Deutsch")
(set answer_yes "Ja")
(set answer_no "Nein")
(set choose_diskey_directory
"Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, in dem Sie DisKey installieren wollen! "
"In diesem Verzeichnis wird automatisch ein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen \"DisKey_3.0\" angelegt!"
(set copy_nonlocale_strings
"Sollen auch die Übersetzungstabellen für Benutzer ohne locale.library kopiert werden?"
(set help_copy_nonlocale_strings
"Diese Option ist sinnvoll, wenn Sie zwischendurch ohne locale.library - zum Beispiel mit OS 2.04 oder gar Kickstart 1.3 - arbeiten. "
"Wenn Sie \"Nein\" wählen, wird sich DisKey dann nur noch Englisch mit Ihnen "
"unterhalten. Falls Sie jedoch \"Ja\" anklicken, werden Sie auch bei fehlender locale.library mit Ihrer Lieblingssprache verwöhnt werden!"
(set select_languages
"Bitte wählen Sie die Sprachen, die Sie installieren möchten!"
(set select_fs_modules
"Bitte wählen Sie die externen Dateisystem-Module, die Sie installieren möchten!"
(set help_select_fs_modules
"Bisher sind folgende Module verfügbar:\n\n"
"rdskfs - Modul zum Bearbeiten der Rigid-Disk-Blöcke einer Festplatte\n"
"cosyfs - Modul zum Bearbeiten einer mit CosyFS formatierten Festplatte\n"
(set ready_to_install_1
"Sind Sie bereit, DisKey V3.0 im Verzeichnis "
(set ready_to_install_2
" zu installieren?"
(set install_fsmodules
"Installiere Dateisystem-Module..."
(set install_languages
"Installiere Sprachen..."
(set copylib_patternlibrary
"Die pattern.library wird u. a. zum Patternmatching benötigt - sie muß also nicht "
"zwingend installiert werden!"
(set copylib_dislibrary
"Die dis.library wird nur benötigt, falls Sie die Disassembler-Funktion von "
"DisKey 3.0 benutzen möchten. Sie muß also nicht zwingend installiert werden!"
(set copylib_reqlibrary
"Die req.library wird nur für den Color-Requester benötigt - sie muß also nicht "
"zwingend installiert werden!"
(if (patmatch langstring "English")
(abort "English texts are not yet translated, sorry!")
(if (patmatch langstring "Français")
(abort "Français n'est pas encore traduiré, je regrette!")
(set todir @default-dest)
(set todir
(prompt choose_diskey_directory)
(help @askdir-help)
(default todir)
(set @default-dest todir)
(set newdir (tackon todir "DisKey_3.0"))
(makedir newdir)
(if (exists (cat "DisKey_3.0.info"))
(run ("copy \"DisKey_3.0.info\" TO \"" (tackon todir "DisKey_3.0.info") "\""))
(dest newdir)
(run ("copy SYS:System.info TO \"" (tackon todir "DisKey_3.0.info") "\""))
(dest newdir)
(if (exists ("LOCALE:" (noreq)))
(set copynonlocale
(prompt copy_nonlocale_strings)
(help help_copy_nonlocale_strings)
(default 1)
(choices answer_yes answer_no)
(set copynonlocale 1)
(set numlangs 1)
(set lang_1 "English")
(set numlangs (+ numlangs 1))
(if (= numlangs 2)
(set lang_2 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 3)
(set lang_3 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 4)
(set lang_4 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 5)
(set lang_5 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 6)
(set lang_6 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 7)
(set lang_7 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 8)
(set lang_8 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 9)
(set lang_9 @each-name)
(if (= numlangs 10)
(set lang_10 @each-name)
(set language_bits
(prompt select_languages)
(help @askoptions-help)
(if (= numlangs 1)
(choices lang_1)
(if (= numlangs 2)
(choices lang_1 lang_2)
(if (= numlangs 3)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3)
(if (= numlangs 4)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4)
(if (= numlangs 5)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4 lang_5)
(if (= numlangs 6)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4 lang_5 lang_6)
(if (= numlangs 7)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4 lang_5 lang_6 lang_7)
(if (= numlangs 8)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4 lang_5 lang_6 lang_7 lang_8)
(if (= numlangs 9)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4 lang_5 lang_6 lang_7 lang_8 lang_9)
(if (= numlangs 10)
(choices lang_1 lang_2 lang_3 lang_4 lang_5 lang_6 lang_7 lang_8 lang_9 lang_10)
(default -1)
(set numfs 0)
(set numfs (+ numfs 1))
(if (= numfs 1)
(set fs_1 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 2)
(set fs_2 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 3)
(set fs_3 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 4)
(set fs_4 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 5)
(set fs_5 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 6)
(set fs_6 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 7)
(set fs_7 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 8)
(set fs_8 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 9)
(set fs_9 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(if (= numfs 10)
(set fs_10 (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))
(set fsmodule_bits
(prompt select_fs_modules)
(help help_select_fs_modules "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
(if (= numfs 1)
(choices fs_1)
(if (= numfs 2)
(choices fs_1 fs_2)
(if (= numfs 3)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3)
(if (= numfs 4)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4)
(if (= numfs 5)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4 fs_5)
(if (= numfs 6)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4 fs_5 fs_6)
(if (= numfs 7)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4 fs_5 fs_6 fs_7)
(if (= numfs 8)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4 fs_5 fs_6 fs_7 fs_8)
(if (= numfs 9)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4 fs_5 fs_6 fs_7 fs_8 fs_9)
(if (= numfs 10)
(choices fs_1 fs_2 fs_3 fs_4 fs_5 fs_6 fs_7 fs_8 fs_9 fs_10)
(default -1)
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DisKey")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DisKey.info")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DisKey.key")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DisKeyStartupMacro.dkm")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "cmdshell.dk")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DK")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DK.info")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "DisKeyDebug")))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon newdir "Inhibit")))
(prompt ready_to_install_1 todir ready_to_install_2)
(source "DisKey_3.0")
(pattern "(DisKey|DisKey.info|DisKey.key|DisKeyStartupMacro.dkm|cmdshell.dk|DK|DK.info|DisKeyDebug|Inhibit)")
(dest newdir)
(optional nofail force)
(if (NOT (= fsmodule_bits 0))
(set fstmpbit 0)
(if (IN fsmodule_bits fstmpbit)
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon (tackon newdir "FileSystem") @each-name)))
(source (tackon "DisKey_3.0/FileSystem" @each-name))
(dest (tackon newdir "FileSystem"))
(optional nofail force)
(set fstmpbit (+ fstmpbit 1))
(if (NOT (= (BITAND -2 language_bits) 0))
(set langtmpbit 1)
(if (NOT (exists (tackon newdir "Catalogs")))
(makedir (tackon newdir "Catalogs"))
(if (IN language_bits langtmpbit)
(set thislanguage @each-name)
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage) "DisKey.catalog")))
(source (tackon (tackon "DisKey_3.0/Catalogs" thislanguage) "DisKey.catalog"))
(dest (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage))
(optional nofail force)
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage) "DisKey-AllFS.catalog")))
(source (tackon (tackon "DisKey_3.0/Catalogs" thislanguage) "DisKey-AllFS.catalog"))
(dest (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage))
(optional nofail force)
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage) "DisKey-KickFS.catalog")))
(source (tackon (tackon "DisKey_3.0/Catalogs" thislanguage) "DisKey-KickFS.catalog"))
(dest (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage))
(optional nofail force)
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage) "DisKey-AmigaFS.catalog")))
(source (tackon (tackon "DisKey_3.0/Catalogs" thislanguage) "DisKey-AmigaFS.catalog"))
(dest (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage))
(optional nofail force)
(set fstmpbit 0)
(if (IN fsmodule_bits fstmpbit)
(if (exists ((tackon (tackon "DisKey_3.0/Catalogs" thislanguage) ("DisKey-%s.catalog" (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5))))))
(run ("protect %s rwed" (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage)))
(source (tackon (tackon "DisKey_3.0/Catalogs" thislanguage) ("DisKey-%s.catalog" (substr @each-name 0 (- (strlen @each-name) 5)))))
(dest (tackon (tackon newdir "Catalogs") thislanguage))
(optional nofail force)
(set fstmpbit (+ fstmpbit 1))
(set langtmpbit (+ langtmpbit 1))
(prompt copylib_patternlibrary)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "DisKey_3.0/Libs/pattern.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail)
(prompt copylib_dislibrary)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "DisKey_3.0/Libs/dis.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail)
(prompt copylib_reqlibrary)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "DisKey_3.0/Libs/req.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail)